Read Emails and Get Paid

Current time is ten in the morning and I'm still wide awake. Yes, I've been up the whole time which led me to create this blog. Whatever came to me that I had to start another one when I can barely maintain the existing ones I manage! But, the whole point why I made this one is to have a dedicated blog where people go for income sources. I really can't convince myself to make a post on My Green Room. Posts that will kinda stray away from the general topics I write about there. That blog actually evolved from being my rant space to a place where I dump my train-of-thoughts. So, I decided to put this up, in stead.

The urgency for making a blog page specifically for income seekers is due to the fact that I've actually tried a few paid-to-read-email sites. Of course, when you have a good news, you can't keep it to yourself. So, here I wanna share it to whoever might be looking for extra earnings. 

Let's be clear with one thing first. Paid-to-read-email won't make you earn big. It's just a helpful addition. I have just started like a week ago so I cannot give an estimate how much you can actually earn from it on a monthly basis. Just to give you an idea, since my signup, I've already earned $4.44. Deduct the $3 signup bonus. Yes, by simply signing up, you receive an instant $3. No sweat. So, for less than a week, I've only earned $1.44. That's by simply reading emails. Not bad!

So, how does it work? It's as easy as a pie! You sign up and complete your profile. Then, you can go check your email to activate your account. You will immediately start receiving emails and it automatically earns you $0.10 for each email read. Sadly for me, I receive only one email per day. Geez! Could be my location. But, if you're anywhere in the US or Canada, this is going to be something that can work for you. Because some emails lead you to do surveys. Unfortunately for me, I'm often ineligible for the surveys offered. Surveys pay around $0.75-$3.00. At least, this is the range of paid-surveys I didn't qualify to answer. Boo!

There are a lot of this sort of sites, so you should be careful not to end up scammed. Or, be shrewd enough so you won't end up wasting your time. Yes, it's just a few seconds, but choosing the legit one can save you the time and energy. Not to mention, disappointment. There are legit ones. One of them is Paid To Read Email. I know, it speaks for itself! Why not?! If you want to be found quick, you choose a name that'll make people find you easily. Ta-duh! The site is pretty easy to navigate. Nothing complicated so no need to write more about it. 

O, but I wanna add that there are also other ways to earn thru Paid To Read Email. Aside from paid-surveys, which not everyone gets qualified, like myself ...*frowns* ...there's also this referral option. By referring friends, you'll be credited 15% of your referrals' earnings when they complete offers, take surveys, or shop online. Fair enough, right? The ways to invite friends are through email, referral banner, and referral link. Referral banner is actually the method I chose, which prompted me to rush creating this new blog. You should see the banner somewhere in my page.

I mentioned "shop online". This is great for everyone who loves shopping. The catch is you'll earn cash back when you shop at any of Paid To Read Email partner stores. Some of the participating stores listed on Paid To Read Email are: Banana Republic, Gap, KMart, and Sears. You can earn cash back anywhere 0.25%-12% depending on which store you choose. 

Nothing to lose, at all. I do Paid To Read Email during my spare time so it's a good way to use time. If this sounds like something you wanna try, please do use my referral link. Just click HERE.  

Go back for other TESTED earnings sources which I will feature here next. Thanks!


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